

18 June 2019

A look back at the summit

The first Printplus Summit on 8 & 9 May 2019 inspired the participants. On the two days, around 60 Managing Directors informed themselves about the new developments in Printplus DRUCK. In various technical presentations we showed how Printplus DRUCK optimizes processes. The practical reports from managers from user companies complemented the strategic input.

Calculation with graphical interface
Alex Sturzenegger, Managing Director of Printplus AG, used a standard offer to demonstrate how to calculate quickly and with less technical jargon. Furthermore, it was shown how even complex products with varieties and different supplements can be clearly created and edited with the completely new user interface. The production-related correct calculation enables the automated output of customer documents and a new job description concept.

For Gerd Lutzeier, Managing Director of Konradin Druck GmbH, the flexibility was a reason to tackle the introduction of the new calculation as early as possible. For him, standardised magazines and complex catalogues not only have to be calculated quickly. Production reliability requires the automated preparation of costing data for production instructions.

Smart Factory with Printplus - vision or reality
Christian Schoissengayer, Sales & Consulting at Printplus AG, presented how standardised orders can be automated. Using the example of an XML order from the print shop customer's ERP system, an order was automatically created with stored goods, standard products and a calculation. Everything else, such as order creation, approval for production and planning, was handled by the system. CSG

Hans Schneider, Head of DataPrintService at Staudigl-Druck GmbH & Co. KG impressively showed what is already being solved automatically in his company today. For some time now, they have been receiving XML files from various customers with which the orders are automatically created and administered. The company handles the planning of the many digital print jobs in just a few minutes with dynamic production planning. Staudigl saves further resources on a daily basis with the automated gang-run process using PerfectPattern and Printplus DRUCK.

The integrated material process
Today, networking is already practised in many companies within Printplus DRUCK. The next step is the connection of suppliers. Using Papyrus as an example, Stephan Breywisch, Sales & Consulting at Printplus AG, demonstrated the automated material process. The completely digital workflow with price and demand enquiry as well as ordering and incoming invoice reduces the effort considerably.

Bruno Steffen, Managing Director of Suter & Gerteis AG was unfortunately unable to attend in person. As their representative, Alex Sturzenegger presented the successes achieved by Suter & Gerteis. A former timewaster - the direct demand request - is eliminated from the calculation, a decisive factor for orders with short delivery dates. Ordering was already automated in the past, but now the company benefits from invoices in the ZUGFeRD standard. This reduces the manual data entry effort and simplifies invoice control through direct comparison with the order data.

Risk assessment in ski racing
Marco "Büxi" Büchel, who is one of the most famous ski racers in the world, took the participants on two Hahnenkamm races. In his infectious way he let us feel how even a "wild dog" almost froze before the challenge, battled fear and almost wanted to leave the start gate backwards. We relived the 2008 run together. Only he drew us a picture of every curve, edge and the battle with the slope in words. The whole room was fascinated and impressed by the decisions made during a race, and all of this at an average speed of almost 100 km/h.

Logistics terminal - order increases productivity
The logistics concept "bring to next" sustainably increases productivity. Thanks to the intelligent linking of data from production planning and operating data recording, internal transports are calculated automatically and displayed on the logistics terminals.

Victor Djan, management assistant of print partner Druck- und Medienhaus GmbH, gave an impressive presentation on how this process can sustainably increase productivity. In his presentation, he reported on the entire project process and first presented how the project team and the employees were brought "on board". From his point of view, this is an important step in order to be able to reap success later on. This is very impressive: productivity has been massively increased in all departments and staff satisfaction has been raised.

Business area web shop - immediately, always and everywhere
With the print shop portal integrated in Printplus DRUCK, very powerful web shops can be implemented. Stock call-offs or even individually designed and produced products can be mapped via this portal. The seamless integration enables the automated administration of orders and other processes. With an extensive toolbox, various application possibilities were presented by Peter Müller, Sales & Consulting of Printplus AG.

Matthias Schmid, Managing Director of Schmid-Fehr AG, showed how he sets himself apart from the competition as a multimedia print shop. With the Printplus print shop portal he optimizes his and his customers' processes around printing. With the IT know-how it has built up and a great deal of dedication and willingness to learn, the company operates several web shops for globally active customers.

Insights into development
Finally, the participants were given insights into the ongoing projects of the development department. One major project is the replacement of Adobe Flash. All modules developed with this technology had to be converted by the end of 2020. The reactions to the current development status of the new PDA terminal confirmed our chosen path. The new operation without changing windows was very well received.